
the place to talk about books

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Chronologocal anti-algorithmic feed — as it should be

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Enrich your reading experience by collecting your ideas while reading

Most modern social networks focus on highlighting differences: "here's what I like" and "I only see what I agree with." Social networks create echo chambers that also emphasize and enhance social (and virtue) signaling. They don't help build bridges.

Modern culture, amplified through popular social media, focuses on turning everything into easily digestible content. This content often becomes a source of conflict and disagreement. Opinions, concepts, ideas, books, movies, and photos are used to signal one's status and opinions while also creating divisions between different groups.

They dehumanize. Because of this, people often choose exclusion over empathy, judgment over understanding, and giving answers instead of asking questions. They also tend to prioritize short-term hype and ease rather than long-term commitment and mindful presence.

Rhízōma is here to create positive change by rethinking how we interact with books and engage with others. It focuses on nurturing slow thinking, intentionally detaching from and not identifying with ideas, enabling mutual enrichment, and sharing thoughtful experiences in a more meaningful way.

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Enrich your reading experience by collecting your ideas while reading

We do things differently here

I am not going to ask for your email to then bombard you with stuff you are not going to read anyway.

Drop me a line if you're interested in joining the platform: . Use the subject so I don't miss your message.

I'll get back to you when the project is ready to welcome new members.